This ancient land of Bharat has turned out numerous work of literature. The objectives have always been to achieve more than entertainment. Woven are teachings for life and beyond. These lessons are often not explicit – that too for good reason. As with the Ramayana – the simple mind is held fast with the beauty of the characters and poetry, this eventually leads to spiritual enlightenment.
The story of the Rama is now so-much a part of us, that we can boldly claim there are none-unaware of it, across socio-economic-religious divisions, but what about its hidden Thatva-artham(Essence). This beautiful secret was described by my Guru - Sri Anna in his Ramayana Upanyasam.
As long as the Sita (Jeeva- Athma) had no other desire than staying together with Ram (Param-athma) – there is complete happiness. Being instigated by Surpanaka (Maya), Ravana** (Manas) causes Sita to desire a deer, causing her to be temporarily separated from God.
Thereafter, Ravana tries distracting Sita by showing his wealth (The Senses and Manas causes distraction by showing the pleasures of the World). Sita – being dedicated to Rama is greatly distressed by separation from him and is least interested on anything offered by Ravana. She knows that Rama will come for here and spends all her time in penance at Ashoka Van, in complete Dyan of Rama. (Sharnagathi Dharma - Complete Surrender to God)
Rama too is very disturbed due to his separation from Sita and undertakes all effort to rescue her. Hanuman (Guru), being directed by Rama makes contact with Sita and consoles her. Hanuman gives Sita Rama’s ring with the Moola-Manthra “Ram” written on it – signifying the Guru guiding the Athma in the path of Nama-Sankeerthana. Finally Rama destroyers Ravana rescues Sita.
The Essence of Ramayana is extremely simple and yet profoundly insightful. Jai Sita Ram!!!
** Ravana’s 10 heads corresponding to 5 Karma Indh-riya [Sensory Organs] and 5 Gyan Indh-riya. Vibeeshan , Ravana and Kumbhakarna correspond to the Sattvik, Rajasik & Tamasik Guna.